Adult Choirs
The Choir section celebrated its 10th Anniversary in September 2023. The section enters its 11th year and has grown from ten dedicated Members in 2013 to now forty-five active Members. We are an inclusive, non-audition Adult Choir that welcomes anyone who wishes to dedicate time and effort to sing, listen and harmonise with each other.
Our section engages Kodaly Academy Music of Singapore. Founding Director, Mr. Albert Tay, has been instrumental for our growth over these 10 years. Senior Conductor, Mr. Leslie Tay was part of this lovely journey. Ms Wynne Lee, the Associate Arts Director and Flora Yee are the lovely additions to strengthen our Choral Singing and Musicianship.
Yearly Events
We sing in two or three parts harmony – Soprano/Tenor, Mezzo Soprano and Alto voices. Hopefully we can do more breath or depth with the team soon. We have mandates to perform for the Club and engage communities yearly. Performances rotate among New Member’s Night, Choir Anniversary Evening, Annual Tree Lighting, Singing at Old Folk’s Home, Selected Charity Events, School Of The Arts and Esplanade Hall etc. These provide Choral Members excellent opportunities to polish our singing, come join our Choral Singing Journey with us!
- Date: Weekly Wednesday
- Time: 7.30pm to 9.30pm
- Venue: Theatrette
Bookings & Enquiries
- For more information, please contact the Sports & Recreation Department at 6622 0588 or email
Section Fund Fee
- Section Member: $25 per Member per month
- Non- Section or Member’s Guest*: $40 per Member per month
- *Guests are welcome, monthly fee payable through Club Member’s account.